Thursday, November 16, 2006


Ooooh I'm so excited, the seeds I ordered this week from the Real Seeds people have arrived. Very quickly too I must say, ordered Tuesday arrived Thursday! They come with instructions as you would expect but also with a sheet on how to use the veg and save the seeds, very impressive. I got a bit carried away I think with the order but hopefully by the time we are ready to sow we should have some beds to sow in. Just need to sort out the greenhouse and get some glass ordered. I've put in a list of the seeds I have ordered, if anyone has any tips on growing I would be very interested.

Leek -Long de Mezieres
Chard - Leef Beet
Broccoli - Early Purple
Basil - Sweet Bicolour Mixed
Carrots - Giant Red
Fennel - Mantovano
Peas - Telephone
French Beans - Cupidon
Sorrel - Belleville
Squash - Summer (courgette) - Verde di Milano
Sweetcorn - Double Standard
Squash - Winter- Waltham Butternut

Think I might set up some sort of cronological file so I know when to plant each seed. I also intend to measure the plot and draw up some sort of planting plan so I know which beds need preparing.


Greenmantle said...

Ah-Ha!..Another fledglng plot and blog to follow, to satisfy my need for an allotment fix whilst I am without one.

Looks like you are all set for a great '07 season!

Have linked you to my currently dormant page, in order to keep up with your progress...



The Hilltops Crew said...

Thanks GM, I meant to ask, did watering by means of sunken bucket work do you think? I might try it out if I ever get round to planting next year.

Greenmantle said...

Well, I have to all modesty you understand...that it worked brilliantly!

I watered the very young beans individually until their roots were established, but once they got going, I just filled the bucket about twice a fuss, takes about 5 seconds, and resulted in strong healthy plants.

Eat your heart our Monty Don!