Monday, June 25, 2007

Rain Rain Go Away

I can't believe that 2 months ago we were having to water the allotment and praying for rain. We have now had 6 weeks of rain in one day. Not funny for our neighbours who's garden you can see in the photo above. We have come off quite lightly, there have been many more in Sheffield who's houses have been flooded for the second time in ten days.

On the plus side everything in the allotment is coming on in leaps and bounds. We harvested chard, potatoes and beetroot yesterday, the chard and potatoes were amazing with our Sunday lunch - yummy. It almost makes it all worth while. We still have a long way to go with the digging (and removing the weeds that have re-grown in the areas we have already dug) but now at least we can see the fruits (and vegetables) of our labours.

The bush tomatoes are flowering (Gardeners World hanging basket giveaway - Gartenpearl). We have planted some in grow bags in the greenhouse, some in pots in the greenhouse and some in the soil outside as a trial. At the moment the greenhouse pots seem to be winning but I will let you know when we get some tomatoes off them.

I have been given a cucumber plant, having never grown cucumbers before it was quite exciting to see this the other day.

One of the first peas (telephone) from the Real Seed company. Next year I must remember to plant on a higher frame, they have far exceeded the 5' net that I put up. I must also plant a bigger path between them, I am not sure how I am going to pick them as they have gone wild.

The potatoes are looking great and taste even better, these are Desiree and come up with a pretty red skin. So far the ones we have picked have been perfect, no damage at all from pest or scab. Possibly more luck than judgement, but all organic.

Potato flower (with a small bug - not sure what)

Chard - the first two rows nearest the camera are Bright Lights and the second two rows are organic seeds from the Real Seed Company. The Bright Lights looks pretty and the stalks are much wider but slightly tougher than the Real Seeds one but they have less leaf. The Real Seeds Company chard is all green and the stalks are thin but tender. Neither is a clear winner, I would grow either next year.

The arachnophobes amongst you shouldn't scroll down any further.

We found a female spider carrying her egg sack under her body - as Thomas said "cool"

And this was the sight that greeted me when I took the lid off the compost bin. I have never seen so many woodlice in one place!

For those of you who have been brave enough to scroll down here is my favourite picture this week, I can almost taste the bramble jelly!