One month on and things are really starting to grow now. We have harvested our first crop - granted you can't really fail with radish, but never the less they were extremely yummy.

We are having to cover absolutely everything with netting, I made the mistake of planting out some cauliflower and not covering them. Even with CDs hanging over them by the next day the wood pigeons had annihilated them, leaving me with some poorly looking stalks. Luckily my mum had sewn a full packet of seeds (over 100 cauliflower) so we are not short of seedlings!

We have managed to acquire a huge amount of wood from a friend, enough to make a shed. Luckily my dad has offered to help so on May Day Bank Holiday we started by clearing the ground and laying some slabs.

Less than a week later we have a 7 foot shed, we certainly won't be short of storage space now. Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera so I will post a picture next time.
One of the most satisfying plants I have grown from seed this year must be asparagus. I saved some seeds last year from the plants I have in the garden at home. We planted them in a seed tray, not expecting much but 6 weeks later we have baby asparagus plants. I will have to wait several years before I will be able to harvest them, at the moment they are a couple of inches tall. They look like little Christmas trees in the photo but they are really soft and feathery.