Some of the panes that had been ripped out by the wind were OK but 4 or 5 had smashed. After picking up the glass and replacing the carpet that had been blown about we started a to dig - again.

After taking stock of the already dug patch I discovered we had lots of seeds sprouting. As I had not yet planted anything I deduced by my powers of detection that they must be yet another type of weed. On closer inspection it turned out to be goose grass, rather than let it get established I took the hoe to it, although I am not sure it will have done much good as the soil was quite wet. Only time will tell I suppose.

I decided that instead of turning a row over and weeding as we went along we would try turning the soil and leave it until we go again to take the roots out. That was the plan until Pete found the longest Dock root I had ever seen. It must have been over 3 foot long.
As you may have noticed it is now 13th January. The new years resolution has not been broken completely, we fetched some more free paving slabs for paths last week, thanks to George and Charlotte from Sheffield Freecycle. We hope to go tomorrow (Sunday) and see if my digging plan has worked. Today as I sit and type the country has been savaged by high winds all week so I am pleased I removed the remaining panes of glass from the greenhouse.