My family, thats me - Nicky, my husband Pete, our son Thomas, my mum Liz and my sister Jo, decided we would like to grow organic produce and put our names down on the waiting list for an allotment with Sheffield City Council. We had been on the waiting list for quite a few months and we found out yesterday that we had been offered a plot. We were eager to get started, so on Saturday afternoon we put on our old clothes and started clearing the weeds.
The plot had not been cultivated for quite a few years by the looks of it and was head high in nettles, brambles and thistles. My husband is a keen golfer and decided to practice his swing using a weedwacker/scythe. Mum and I raked away what he had cut down whilst Thomas used loppers to cut through the worst of the brambles.
After only a couple of hours work we had managed to clear about half the area and decided that we would call it a day.
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Flippin' eck ..... I see bad backs !!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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